This artist was shared in the New Music Collective on October 13th - 2022.
These are the excerpts from those shares. She just dropped her debut LP Terror.
At that time for the first share, she had four singles released. She is signed to BMG and some of the videos she released are pretty special. Even now, four months later you will be among the first to hear this artist. I revel in that experience. I know most skip new music but I instantly heard that "thing" and it captivated me to know more and watch her progress.
In a word a very interesting artistic voice emerging …
In October of 2022 she had 1,231 MSL's - on the very first step on the road ... As of today she has 17,202 Monthly Spotify Listeners (MSLs). Estiimated fifty one thousand World Wide Monhtly Listeners! She deserves more. Please share if you care.
Excerpt from the New Music Collective on October 24 -2022
This is the first video - Lewis by Tianna Esperanza
This song speaks for itself. It’s very simple but tells a pretty poignant story. It’s a good introduction.
Second Video - Terror
5 Star Art!! Both the rawness of the song and the visual art of the video. So simple yet deeply evocative. Some of the lyrics are shocking so beware. NOTE - you have to get by the weird intro - it’s a counterpoint. This one is freaking edgy to say the least. Terror has stayed with me to this day.
Third Video - Three Straight Bitches from Hell
This song really gives you the center of her artistic voice. If these three songs are an indication of her potential arc ... I'm in!!!
Debut LP Terror - Link Tree Click HERE
What a talen!